now no question is teeth whitening baking soda why do we get cavity and why we have today we know that cavity in tooth can be painful we may feel like electric shock when we drink something too cold or too.
Hot if we have cavity inner tube but exactly why the part of it too we see is called crown A so come out but most part of a teeth is inside the gum.
Teeth whitening baking soda
That part is Teeth whitening baking soda called root the crown part is product dipped by very strong and hard labor we'll call it animal animal is harder than bones.
it is the hardest substance in our body next is tendon it is made of Yolo boom like neutral but it is softer than enamel dentin supports the enamel and and gives shape to teeth and the next is pulp.
it has blood vessels and nerves pulp supplies nourishment cavity is actually a hole in tooth in starting it doesn't hurt but when it becomes too deep deep enough to reach dentin above the cavity.
lid food and water come in contact with nerves and then it hurts food specially sweet candy chocolate etc mystic inside cavity and jumps grow on it but how do we get Gavigan some food stick
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