We're going to want to go sonicare toothbrush heads boots ahead and choose the preventative deductible to attach to that now one thing that you also have to do aside from just putting that line in on its own is we need to segregate.
That sonicare toothbrush heads boots code from this code range because otherwise the computer has the code in this default coverage table twice and that is giving the computer conflicting information so to do so I just take.
Sonicare toothbrush heads |
This existing code range and I'm going to choose and the option that comes right before the forty nine ten which would be the forty three eighty one now the forty nine ten is not part of this code range but I still have a gap where the other codes need to go back in so.
I'm going to insert a coverage line once again and then I'm going to put in whatever comes right after the forty nine ten and that's going to be the and then put in the ending code range which is the final , code for $. and give it a name put in a default covered percent and a copay if it applies and then a standard deductible or whatever type of deductible applies so now if we just look at the four.
Thousand codes I have laid out here we have forty two ten two forty three eighty one forty nine ten and then forty nine twenty through four nine nine nine that is how we can isolate a specific code and have the computer load that code separately by default on to every single insurance plan that we create and you will notice that I did the same here for nightguard that's a common one is well.
That you might want to segregate from the codes also implants a lot of times there's different codes inside of that implant code range that you may want to pull out another example of codes I've pulled out is the posterior composites and there are a lot of insurance companies that do downgrade the posterior composites and so if that seems to be the more common vs. not then you definitely want to set up those codes
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