Friday, September 14, 2018

Things You Should Do For Oral Irrigator Success

This oral irrigator floss water jet  point what if you'd like to I like to do it  one patient at a time so I can verify that the claim has passed our validation  process and I'm not missing something silly like the patient's date of birth.

If they're a new patient and I they  didn't fill it in and I forgot to ask oral irrigator floss water jet already this is a really good queue to me hey you need to get more information  I'm going to go ahead and say yes to view.

The claim and once we have that pulled up you will be able to see this is their test patient going to delta of  arizona and i do want to point out on the claim form again that d code is getting charged out at $, on the claim but only on the patients ledger if i scroll down a little bit you  guys can see .

That we do have a section here for remarks and this is where you could type in a narrative directly onto the claim form however we do part with NEA and you are able to attach any  kind of attachment to this claim that you might need such as an x-ray or the doctors narrative or perhaps a pareo chart if this was were for scaling and root planing so I'm going to walk through the NEA.

Process with you all  real quick so if I click on the any a fast attached tab from this claim I can number one check the attachment requirements currently again my systems not live so I won't be able to show you everything that it would give you but I'll be able to talk  you through it once you click to check attachment requirements right here under attachments required it would tell you for.

Each code on that claim what attachments you should be having and the next step is to add the attachments after you know what you're adding in  this case with a crown I'm going to attach an x-ray and a narrative so I'll click add attachment and then I'm going to go to attach a clinical note or a narrative and we could suppose

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