we're already there if Novon teeth whitening gel you do mark this item as a follow up item it will then show up on your follow up report which I made reference to on the home page and then we have a little space for a note as .
well if you'd like to attach a ledger note to this transaction I just click inside this box say yes to Novon teeth whitening gel create a billing note and then I have different note codes that I'm able to use and perhaps you've
created new note codes which you can do through the magnifying glass I'm just going to select note.
I want that to print on the patient statement so I'm going to check that box save my changes . I've got a little note box attached to the note the charge I'm going to post my payments and close the screen.once you hit post and close it walks you backwards and you can see.
That the original amount is that's how much you said the check was for and that does match what was distributed so if these two numbers match you are balanced and you can go ahead and close the screen if they didn't match you'd want to open that payment back up and see what you did wrong so now on the patients ledger I can see my charge the charge was for.
I can see a deductible was applied to that and the insurance paid with this check number and then again under the summary view insurance paid so minus is three hundred and fifty dollars and in toggle back to my summary view here or look at the detailed view .
The detailed view is where you're going to see the breakdown of the payment itself instead of just seeing that there was a total payment made I'm going to go ahead and once again take a pause and see if anybody has any questions for me and it looks like we do perhaps have a couple
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