This is where a mere Sonic Toothbrush Better plan can help that family in various ways including ah the vision program is also a part of our program also that's true then the vision could be significant but I was just concerned looking at the really you know the limits they're really small in my mind limits.
That if you've got TRICARE and maybe you're not reading the literature Sonic Toothbrush Better like you should you may think that you're as covered as you would be as a full-time active service member if you're retired with TRICARE but you may not be as covered as you think because the limits are so so low right and once.
That military person retires in particular Dan that's where the that's where the is really comes in once you put in your years or for years and you decide well I've had enough of the military I'm going to go out into the go out into the real world the civilian world and so forth it and you say well I've had TRICARE dental all these years and over the years Bernard and I have talked to retirees in.
it and those TRICARE dental programs can run anywhere from fifty dollars a month up to about a hundred and thirty dollars a month depending out many people you have in a family so that can be pretty significant once you get out of the military that TRICARE dental yes you can take it with.
you but you're going to be paying the premium the co-pays the caps and so forth once again this is where a mere plan and its dental program can help that retiree and those family members and extended family members save money and let's just face it we as Americans we're trying to stretch our pennies we've got kids are trying to send to college you know you've got other expenses food.
prices keep going up insurance cars is a lot of things so and the kids or the dental care is to have preventive care and so with our program we have unlimited cleaning where you get a insurance company whereas TRICARE dental or whoever you may be only titled to them maybe two.
cleanings a year without you can go to the dentist as much as you want you can equate our membership program to a Sam's Club or Costco club type membership where you can go to Costco and Sam's every day if you like
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