It has the oral b frozen electric toothbrush body will build a cell wall around the abscess infected area to try to contain it so the let's say that the patient has elected to remove the tooth so what is the first thing that you do doctor after.
The force oral b frozen electric toothbrush up is placed on the tooth and the tooth is removed from the mouth yes you take a curette and you go down into the socket and you do what you enucleate the cyst or remove any remnants of it so in fact what treatment was necessary to relieve this patients complaint was.
It removal of the tooth no the patient needed to have the cyst removed and how are you going to get the cyst out of the jaw doctor well there's only two ways that I can think of you either lay a flap and you come in from the side cutting a huge hole in the cortical plate and come in from the side and get it out that way or after the tooth is removed go in from that position with a curettage from above
Through the extraction site and remove it that way and the patient already made the decision he's given up on the tooth so my question is digit was there a fee attached to removing the cyst no.
We give that away because all we can focus on is the tooth and medical billing requires you to go beyond the tooth well there were services provided
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