Sunday, September 23, 2018

Where To Buy Fun Timers

Where To Buy Fun Timers

I did want to talk about for a  moment there is a new code associated  with the full sized implant and the new  code is it's brand new and that is second stage Fun Timers surgery so I'll give an  example

I put my implant in and and it's and it's submerged it's Boccaccio integrating we then uncover the implant  uncovering the implant and putting alien caps in or uncovering the.

fun timers

the implant and then putting abutments in that second stage surgery code is   and it's brand new now the code what the insurance industry is done some of them have cut back to see on the implant

And then allow the separate fee for code    and that C is around dollars for that second stage surgery so the listeners need to be aware of this code they need to look at our resources read all about that

Because  that is a recent implant code yeah and I've actually found some of those out to be true this year I think the the second stage surgery I had a some implants come to me and I was going  to

Uncover them and so we had we had to find that find that and charge appropriately and then we also found out kind of the hard way that that six one one one the implant over denture I think  that

Changed January of so we we charged one out January and had an awful fight on her hands until we realized the code had changed so that's when we really really kept diving deeper into you know

Trying to get an  understanding of all that because implants are changing rapidly the codes are changing rapidly and the insurance coverage on on implants are changing so there's there's a lot of

Moving parts with that as you stated there  well the coding too is kind of complex and one reason is that we've got certain codes in Perez namely the guided tissue regeneration the barrier membranes

Four to six six is reasonable four to six seven is non reasonable so the membranes  if you would use them should be separately billed out and over denture codes for implants and those are dead and

Now we've six one one one which is the removable over denture and then we've got a new set of codes that start at code six one  one four two six one one seven those four codes are for over data

Along fours all on sixes sure like a typewritten correct yes sir you're a fixed one and those codes start at six one one four so these new implant over denture is either removable or fixed start off at

That six  one one zero and then they go down to six one one seven is the sequencing down through there.

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